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Riverside Children's Theatre

At Riverside Children's Arts Center, we were thrilled to have offered one of Jacksonville's most rapidly expanding theater programs for kids! We kicked off with our inaugural show, Rumplestiltskin, back in 2019. Initially, it was a brief 10-minute performance featuring a six-member cast that showcased all our spring classes. With limited stage space, no set or costumes, and minimal props, our young actors made the best of it. Fast forward four years, and we boasted an exceptional educational theater program complete with sets, costumes, and props! Our curriculum aimed to foster self-confidence, grace, and teamwork abilities that benefited children in any future endeavor.

What set our theater program apart? In a nutshell, it was our authentic yet compassionate approach to replicating real-life experiences. Our main stage performances were audition-based; not all actors got a part or many lines every time. In case of missed rehearsals or disruptive behavior, actors could be replaced. While this might have sounded intimidating, it was genuinely advantageous! Gaining firsthand exposure to how "real life" theater worked was invaluable.

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